Online boutique Silvy Rowson! How did it all happen?

Online boutique Silvy Rowson! How did it all happen?

Online boutique Silvy Rowson! How did it all happen?

Hello, dear ladies!

We are Silvy Rowson online boutique - the new fashion brand dedicated to women's elegance and confidence!

Silvy Rowson - The New fashion brand

We are happy to present to you The New fashion brand! Silvy Rowson online boutique is a reflection of the character of its creator - bold and outstanding! It was created in the city of Varna, Bulgaria and is the result of the efforts and perseverance of its creator Silviya Rowson.

Here is what Silvy herself says about her dream, which has become a beautiful reality:

Online boutique Silvy Rowson

Behind the essence of the brand is my great dream and love for fashion, which I inherited from my grandmother - an extremely talented tailor.

After many years in the world of accounting, the turning point came. I woke up with the thought “Full wardrobe, and I have nothing to wear! Well, yes, I will create clothes according to my design and taste! ” Yes, what lady didn't say that to herself.

After this morning, nothing was the same for me. But I knew very well that a solid foundation is based on knowledge of the industry, not just an emotional impulse!

In 2019, I took the first step towards realizing my dream by graduating in Design from an English university. Immediately after that, the foundations for step number 2 appeared.

I had the opportunity to present my models at the big fashion show Pure London, during which my work was crowned with great interest by professionals.

The Silvy Rowson brand is my handwriting for the elegant and confident lady. The models I create are a delicate balance between comfort, uniqueness and elegance. They carry an individuality, like each of you!

Look at them! You will also be recognized!

With love and respect, Silviya Rowson! ”

Who are the Silvy Rowson Online Boutique models suitable for?

Once you enter our online boutique, you are immersed in the world of confident and independent women! Each of our models has its own character and radiates individuality. Through them we want to attract the attention of the successful woman, the one who is not afraid to take risks, to dream and to do what is necessary to stand out!

Made in Bulgaria, Europe

The collections of the online boutique Silvy Rowson are modelled and created by highly qualified specialists in their fields. The studio we work with is located locally in the city of Varna. We want every detail of our models to be precisely made and in their eyes, we met the dedication to trust.

We invest dedication, love and diligence in the whole process of realization of our models. In this way, we are sure that the final result we will get will be even more beautiful than the original idea.

Online boutique Silvy Rowson's brand benefits are

  • Premium materials and emphasis on the small details of our items;

  • Bold, outstanding authorial design to strengthen the image of the confident lady;

  • We strive to build trust in our customers. These are demanding ladies who know what they need and deserve to wear the best clothes.

We will do everything necessary for all of you who have recognized yourself in these definitions to find yourself with us!

Our Mission

The main mission of Online boutique  Silvy Rowson is to put our visions into reality. The reality of an independent and confident lady who has the confidence to dress elegantly and feel comfortable in formal attire. Our mission is aimed at the ladies who cross the line between the business look and the luxurious sophistication of the more sporty looks.

Let your clothes speak for themselves about your good taste! Trust us!


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