Future Fashion Week 2022 - Milan

Future Fashion Week 2022 - Milan

Future Fashion Week 2022 - Milan

Silvy Rowson's Catwalk, June, 2022

Location: Idroscalo, Milano

List of models:

The story of one dress

"The story of the most special dress at @silvyrowson ...

?In 2020 I, Silviya Rowson, received one very special birthday card. Not usual one. Without best wishes. Only „For Mum (❤️) from Sisi (❤️) xoxo”

?From that day, this white piece of paper is on my desk in my office.

?The dress, called Sisi was the attraction of our show on Sunday in Milan. Thank you so much Night Fashion and Yelisavetta ❤️❤️❤️

?Every single minute of my family's support is my leading force. This dress is extremely special.

?P.S. She, Sisi, promised me two dresses for the next collection (crossfingers)"




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